Understanding the Concept of Docker in the Easiest Way

Sandip Guchait
3 min readDec 26, 2018

What is Docker?

Answering this question in the easiest way possible, a Docker is a set of tools that makes your Production environment much easier than using some other services or without using those services.

Now, going deeper into the point why docker? Let's take this example to understand it better. Suppose you have a software which requires many dependencies in order just to start/run the software successfully and you want your friend to test the software on his machine, but unfortunately, he won't be able to run because he doesn't have all the dependencies installed on his local machine.

Here where docker comes handy using docker one can easily run any piece of software on any machine using something called docker images which we will be discussing a bit later.

Workflow of a Docker on Your Local Machine:

Docker System workflow

In Docker, we have a client or user part called Docker_Client which is used to execute commands from our terminal. Docker Daemon is also called the docker tool which runs on our Machine and takes commands from the client and processes them concurrently.

Registry or Docker Hub is a place where docker images are stored. Just as a Github it is also an open source place where users share their working docker images for others to use.

What is a Docker Container?

A Docker container is simply a place where a running application or process is executed. Let's see this example to understand better when we are running the “docker run hello-world” command from the docker client, it communicates with the docker server and from there it reaches the docker-hub to find the image of hello-world.

Note: We didn't have an image of hello-world stores on our docker server so docker reaches to docker-hub to find the image.

After getting the image hello-world from docker-hub the docker-server puts the image on the image-cache so that it takes less time to load.

Docker “hello-world” workflow

The workflow on your Machine in the above image is the Container where your files and different processes execute.

Whenever you run a command ex: docker run “hello-world” the docker provides the image-cache provided that we already have the image downloaded on your docker container. In this way, the workflow becomes faster.

After all these diagrammatic stuff if you don't understand how it all works don't worry we will be doing a hands-on to make all things clearer.

You can also follow up:

Understanding Important Docker Commands ( Hands-On )

